Penn State Alumni Association
Updated February 15, 2012
Membership is open to all Penn State alumni as well as non-alumni who have indicated an interest in furthering the interests and goals of Penn State and its alumni.
The chapter operates on a fiscal year calendar beginning on July 1 and ending on June 30. This is consistent with the fiscal year calendar by which the Penn State Alumni Association operates.
Membership dues are $20 per family. Dues are collected beginning in July of each year and are due October 1st. Those not paying dues for one full year will be removed from the membership list.
The Board of Directors of the chapter will consist of four officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer) and up to eight directors. Each Board member will serve a term of office for two years beginning July 1. One half of the board shall be elected in alternate years to maintain continuity.
In the spring of each year, the President shall appoint a nominating committee consisting of at least three current chapter members. The nominating committee will nominate a slate of two officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary) and four directors. Elections will be held in April by e-mail ballot. Ballots will have a provision for write in candidates. The nominating committee will tabulate the ballots and announce the results in at the Spring Dinner. The new Board members will begin their two-year term on July 1.
If a Board member should be unable to complete his term of office the remaining officers shall appoint a replacement to complete the remainder of the term of office.
The Vice President will be responsible for all e-mail correspondence with the Chapter.
Communication with the membership shall be by way of newsletter, e-mail and/or phone as necessary to keep the membership informed regarding chapter events, activities, and other items of interest.
Chapter activities may include, but not be limited to, a spring dinner, social events, career networking, membership recruitment, communications, sports watching activities, trips to football games, student support activities, participation in Alumni Association-sponsored training programs and community service activities. The chapter will strive to complete at least 6 of these activities each fiscal year in order to maintain recognition as a “chapter of distinction” with the Penn State Alumni Association.
An annual report will be submitted to the Penn State Alumni Association in July summarizing chapter activities of the previous fiscal year.
The President may appoint committee chairs and committees as necessary to conduct the business of the organization.
The Board members will meet as necessary to plan and organize the chapter activities.
The chapter shall adopt such Bylaws as it considers necessary to conduct its business. The Bylaws may be adopted or amended by a 2/3 majority of the Board members present at a regular meeting or via electronic or mail ballot.